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Hymn of Ukraine

Hymn of Ukraine

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Hymn of Ukraine


Hymn of UkraineThe studying at a seminary alternated with long breaks due to different disciplinary faults and difficulties of the private life. After getting a benefice at last, in 1856 he became a parokh in the village of Mlyny not far from Peremyshl where he lived until his death in 1870.

An intensive composer activity of M Verbytskyi is tightly linked to the needs and demands of the society. All his life he wrote a sacred music. His religious works are in wide circulation, even today they can be heard played on a concert platform as well as in church during divine service.

A long cooperation of Verbytskyi with the Ukrainian theatre was fruitful enough. His composer heritage covers music to the tens of plays of various genres — vaudevilles, folk operettas, melodramas, among which Pidhiriany'is, distinguished because of its elaborated musical dramatic art.

So called symphonies by Verbytskyi, ie orchestral compositions like early classic opera overture, are marked with a distinguished national colouring. He is the author of the large-scale musical canvases—a vocal and symphony interpretation of The Testament by Taras Shevchenko and choral suite Zhovnir.

Verbytskyi acquired the most popularity thanks to his choral compositions with lyrical and patriotic content written in the likeness of four-part male quartettes widely spread in the European musical practice of that period. These musical compositions are based on poems of the Ukrainian poets I Hushalevych, V Shashkevych, Y Fedkovych, V Stebelskyi etc. The choral song Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished is also written in a style typical for Verbytskyi. An autograph of its recording by the composer for a part with a guitar accompaniment has survived.

The song entered the life of the society in choral version. First information on the delivery of the choral song in public as a part of theatrical performances or during some ceremonial events in Peremyshl and Lviv dates back to 1863 — 1864. It was chosen for the grand finale of the first in the Western Ukrainian territories concert devoted to Taras Shevchenko which took place in 1865 in Peremyshl.

Popularity of the song written by P Chubynskyi — M Verbytskyi kept on growing; recordings of the song are found in the hand-written compilations, there are numerous references to its concert performance. In 1885, the music of Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished was first published in the Kobzar collected four-part choral compositions. The song became national. In private life, like it happened to the folk specimens, it got polished — single couplets shortened, some new word forms and melodious shades appeared. Its numerous arrangements for various compositions of chorus, purely orchestra versions came to life.

Dissemination of Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished among the national liberation units, in particular among the Ukrainian Sich Strelets, facilitated the further strengthening of its status as national anthem. In the early 20th century, with a wave of the national revolutionary upsurge, a great number of patriotic songs taken as anthems emerged.

As anthem The Testament by Taras Shevchenko (music by H Hladkyi) was taken; two more songs by Mykola Lysenko, The Eternal Revolutionary (after Ivan Franko's poem) and The Prayer (The Great Single God, Keep Ukraine Safe, lyrics by О Konyskyi) won a particularly firm foothold and became the second spiritual national anthem of Ukraine along with Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished.

The national revolutionary movement resulted in the council Ukrainian People's Republic declared by the Third Universal on 20 November 1917 and ratified by the Fourth Universal on 22 January 1918; with its establishment Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished was officially approved the National Anthem.

After defeat of the liberation competition in 1917 — 1920 in the country tornapart by the occupants the song was driven to deep underground. In the Soviet Empire its singing was threatened with imprisonment and repression. However it kept alive in the hearts of people, it accompanied feats of the freedom fighters. Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished was declared the National Anthem of the short-lived Carpatho-Ukraine in 1939 and then during the Act of Restoration of the Ukrainian Statehood in Lviv in 1941.

Hymn of Ukraine 2With the collapse of the Soviet Union historical justice set in. Ukraine has gained independence, once again and ultimately. A ceremony of declaring the sovereign council Ukrainian State on 24 August 1991 in the Verkhovna Rada ended in the mass singing of Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished.

Pursuant to Decree of the Ukraine Verkhovna Rada Presidium of 15 January 1992 the music by M Verbytskyi to the lyrics Ukraine's Glory Has Not Yet Perished had assumed status of the national anthem. This was approved with Article 20 of the Ukraine Constitution adopted on 28 June 1996. Much later, on 6 March, the Verkhovna Rada approved the text of the Anthem — the first couplet and refrain from the poem by P Chubynskyi.

Different formal functions of the composition as the national musical emblem of Ukraine prompted to have its musical arrangements for versatile groups of performers. There are interpretations of the anthem for symphony brass orchestra, for chorus a capella and with instrumental accompaniment etc.

The officially approved Ukraine National Anthem was published in musical version by famous composers Myroslav Skoryk and Yevgen Stankovych intended for mixed chorus with a piano accompaniment. To get back


Pages 1. 2.

Information is taken scientifically - popular edition "National Anthem of Ukraine", popular historical essay. Statutory broker of television and broadcast of Ukraine let out on the order on the program the "Ukrainian book"

The author of text is Maria Peter Zagaykevich.

Materials, publications and researches used for drafting of essay:

1.  Paul Chubinskiy. "Ukraine did not yet die" / Manager and comments of the Feodor Pogrebennick. — B.: "Oberegi", 1991.

2.   Pogrebennick Feodor. "Yet to us, brothers of yong, a fate will smile". Heroic and tragic history of hymn. Manuscript. — b., 1993.

3.   Trembickiy Vladimir. National hymn Ukraine did not "Yet die..." but other Ukrainian to the hymn of song. Second the complemented edition is done. it is Lvov: НТШ, 2003.

4.   Cheridnichenko Dmitry. Paul Chubinskyi. it is the B.: Publishing house of "Alternative", 2005.

5.   Zagaykevich Maria. Michael Verbickiy. Pages of life and creation. it is Lvov: "Missionary", 1998.

6.   Zelinskiy Alexander. To the release of hymn Ukraine" did not "Yet die in old manuscripts and original sources of // Musica Galiciana, т. 6, с. 257-307. is Lvov, 2001.

7.  Zelinskiy Alexander. Origins and first steps of life of national hymn Ukraine" did not "Yet die // the issue of the day of domestic policy. — b., 2004 №4, с 11-27.


To Roll National Anthem of Ukraine
(Hymn in mp3 format is in the archive of rar, and occupies 1,51 mb.)

See video: "National Anthem of Ukraine"



Hymn of Ukraine


Here you can roll National Anthem of Ukraine in execution Ponomareva Alexander. Hymn in mp3 format is in the archive of rar, and occupies 1,51 mb. To Roll National Anthem of Ukraine


Constitution of Ukraine to roll (44,2 kb. in an archive zip)


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